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Boddy, Kate, Peninsula Medical School
Bodymedia, , ,
Bodytrack, , ,
Boechler, Kelvin, University of Saskatchewan
Boerner, Katelynn, Dalhousie University
Boess, Stella, Delft Univeristy of Technology
Boess, Stella, Delft University of Technology
Boettcher, Johanna, Freie Universität Berlin
Boettcher, Johanna, Department of Clinical Psychology, Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany (Germany)
Boguski, Mark S., Resounding Health Incorporated
Boguski, Mark, Resounding Health Incorporated
Boissy, Patrick, University of Sherbrooke/ Research Centre on Aging
Bolin, Peter, Health Informatics Centre, Karolinska Institutet
Bolman, Catherine, Open University of the Netherlands
Bolsø, Jan Ole, Helse Møre og Romsdal HF
Bonander, Jason, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA USA
Bond, Carol S, Bournemouth University
Bond, Carol, Bournemouth University
Bond, Carol S, Bournemouth University
Bond, Raymond Robert, University of Ulster
Bond, Raymond, University of Ulster
Bond, Raymond, School of School of Computing and Mathematics, University of Ulster
Bonder, Jaclyn, NYU Langone Medical Center
Boneschi, Marco, Università della Svizzera Italiana
Bonnycastle, Deirdre, College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan
Boonsang, Arun, Student
Booth, Alison Olivia, Deakin University
Booth, Richard, Western University
Booth, Richard, The University of Western Ontario
Booy, Monique, Amphia Ziekenhuis
Bordon, Alan, Penn State College of Medicine
Borgerson, Kirstin, Dalhousie University
Borgmann, Hendrik, University Hospital Frankfurt
Boring, Jesse Logan, Arizona State University
Borrie, Michael, Geriatrics- Parkwood Hospital
Borromeo, Susana, Department of Electronics, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Borsa, Diana, University College London
Bortolon, Saulo, Dept. Informatics, UFES, Vitoria, Brazil
Boruff, Jill, McGill University
Bos, Elisabeth H, University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen
Bos, Lodewijk, ICMCC
Bose-brill, Seuli Moushumi, Division of General Internal Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine,The Ohio State University College of Medicine
Bose-brill, Seuli, The Ohio State University
Bosmajian, Jr., Charles P.
Bosque García, Ana, Hospital St.Joan de Déu
Bossen, Daniël, Master of Science
Botsford, Alex, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Bottorff, Joan L, University of British Columbia Okanagan
Bouamrane, Matt-Mouley, University of Glasgow
Boudry, Christophe, Urfist Paris / Ecole nationale des chartes
Bourbonnais, Anne, Faculty of Nursing, Université de Montréal
Bouwels, Leon, Canisius Wilhelmina Hospital
Bowers-Johnson,MD,MPH, Susan, Independent Health Care Consultant
Bowler, Leanne, School of Information Sciences, University of Pittsburgh
Bowman, Clive, Routine Health Outcomes Ltd
Boyd, Kyle, University of Ulster
Boyer, Annette,, Inc.
Boyer, Celia, Health on the net Foundation
Bozzano, Federica, CEBR (University of Genoa)
Brach, Mirjam, Department of Health Sciences and Health Policy, Swiss Paraplegic Research & University of Lucerne, Switzerland
Brandenburg , Bart , Medicinfo
Brandenburg, Bart, Medicinfo
Brandenburg, Bart J, Medicinfo Tilburg and IBR Centre for E-health Reasearch and Disease Management Twente University, Netherlands
Brandenburg, Bart J, Medicinfo and IBR Centre for E-health Research and Disease Management, University of Twente
Brandl, Christopher, Chair and Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics, RWTH Aachen University
Bratsas, Charalambos, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Medical School, Lab of Medical Informatics
Bratsas, Charalampos, Lab of Medical Informatics, Medical Faculty, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece
Braunschweig, Carol, University of Illinois at Chicago
Breakey, Vicky, The Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto
Breejen, Elvira Den, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre
Breen, Cathal, University of Ulster
Brendryen, Håvar, Norwegian Centre for Addiction Research (SERAF)
Bressanelli, Maura, Section of Hygiene Epidemiology and Public Health, Department of Experimental and Applied Medicine – University of Brescia
Breton, Erik, Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec
Bretz, Randi, National Stroke Association
Breuer, Louise, Mortimer Market Centre
Breugem, Corstiaan, Department of Plastic Surgery, University Medical Center Utrecht
Brewer, LaPrincess C, Mayo Clinic Department of Medicine; Division of Cardiovascular Diseases
Brière, Simon, University of Sherbrooke/ Research Centre on Aging
Brice, Anne, University of Oxford
Briggs, Andrew, University of Glasgow
Briggs, Pam, Northumbria University
Briones, Rowena L., Virginia Commonwealth University
Broadbent, Elizabeth, The University of Auckland
Broadfoot, Kirsten J,
Broadley, Cara, The Glasgow School of Art
Brochhausen, Christoph, REPAIR-lab, Institute of Pathology, University Medical Centre Mainz, Germany
Brochhausen, Christoph, REPAIR-lab, Institute of Pathology, University Medical Centre of the Johannes Gutenberg-University
Brochhausen, Christoph, REPAIR-lab, Institute of Pathology, University Medical Centre of the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz
Brochhausen, Christoph, REPAIR-lab, Institute of Pathology, University Medical Centre
Brock-utne, John G., Stanford University
Brodeur, Aaron, 1BOG
Brodnik, Andrej, prof. dr.
Brodnik, Andrej, Univestiy of Primorska, Slovenia
Brodnik, Andrej, UP PINT
Brodnik, Andrej, University of Primorska
Broekhuizen, Emma, Radboud University, Centre for Language Studies
Broens, Tom, MobiHealth B.V.
Bromwich, Matthew, Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario
Bromwich, Matthew, University of Ottawa

201 - 300 of 353 Items    << < 1 2 3 4 > >> 

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