We have now completed sending out all notifications of acceptance (or not) to all submitters of presentation proposals. If you submitted an abstract but did not get that email, you can retrieve the notification as follows (note: only the submitting author can login and check the status or edit the abstract): 1. Login at http://www.medicine20congress.com/ocs/index.php/med/index/user 2. Click on the Author role (http://www.medicine20congress.com/ocs/index.php/med/med2009/presenter) 2a. If your abstract requires revisions as condition for acceptance, the title will be visible under the "Active submissions" tab 2b. If you do not see the title of your submission, click the "Archive" tab ! (http://www.medicine20congress.com/ocs/index.php/med/med2009/presenter/index/completed) 3. Click on the title of your submission 4. Click on the "Review" tab. If you click on the icon next to "Director/Author Email Record", you will be able to retrieve the email sent to you. If your abstract was peer-reviewed (Research track), you should also see the reviewer comments. Please check the email log (Director/Author Email Record) to see if the director had additional comments. 5. Click on the SUMMARY tab link and have a look at the presentation TYPE (oral or poster presentation). You MAY have requested an oral presentation, but we may have accepted it "only" as a poster presentation (or vice versa). Should you be unhappy with our decision to change the format (e.g. should you only be able to attend if you have an oral presentation), please contact us. 6. Even if your abstract has been accepted, you are encouraged/expected to edit your abstract taking into account the feedback you received (if any). EDITING YOUR ABSTRACT: You can (and should) edit your abstract online within the next 2 weeks, but until 2009-07-31 at the latest, to address reviewer issues, to clean it up, to correct spelling errors, or to add last-minute data, authors, or panelists (the latter must all be registered for the conference). After that date, no changes will be possible. To edit your abstract and/or metadata, go to http://www.medicine20congress.com/ocs/index.php/med/med2009/presenter, click on the submission title (if the submission is not listed on the "Active" tab, click on the "Archive" tab!), make sure that you are on the "Summary" tab, and then click "Edit metadata". AFTER EDITING, CLICK "NOTIFY DIRECTOR" TO ALERT THE CONFERENCE DIRECTOR OF YOUR CHANGES / RESPONSES. As you know, this 2-day conference starts on 2009-09-17, so please block your calendar and start making travel arrangements (at this point in time we are unable to say on what day/time your presentation will be scheduled. The final, detailed schedule will only be available in August). NOTE - ACCEPTANCE CONDITIONAL ON REGISTRATION !!! The presenting author(s) [and - for panels - all panelists] MUST register for the conference. Please register immediately (before June 25th) by logging in, completing your profile (Name, Affiliation, City and Country are required for your badge), and then clicking the registration link (http://www.medicine20congress.com/ocs/index.php/med/index/schedConf/registration). Please note that in order to reserve your presentation slot we require the first (presenting) author (or panel moderator) to register by the early bird registration deadline (June 25th, 2009). We reserve the right to remove your presentation from the conference schedule if presenting authors are not registered. For panels, we need the final list of panelists and their registrations on file by July 31st, 2009 at the latest (but we recommend registration of all panelists by the Early Bird Deadline). Time allocated to panels is usually 15 min per speaker and may be reduced accordingly if not all panelists register. Note that, in order to increase diversity, this year we limit the number of presentations per presenter to 1 (one) - if you submitted (contrary to the rules in the call for abstracts) more than one presentation proposal, and more than one has been accepted, then please either withdraw one of them, or (preferred) have somebody else present your second/third/fourth presentation proposal (please login to change the order of authors). We reserve the right to remove presentations from the schedule if this is not being done. Please let us know before June 25th if you cannot attend and wish to withdraw the presentation (please only withdraw if nobody else from your group/organization can present on your behalf). For any communication, please login, follow the steps above, and - on the review tab - use the "Notify Director" link. Thank you and looking forward to your participation in this event. Gunther Eysenbach |
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