Please read this information if you are presenting at Medicine 2.0'12 in Boston. All information is subject to change, so check closer to the conference for important updates/changes Created: 2012-07-26 Last edit: 2012-08-31 Change History: 2012-08-07 - added link to JMIR publication options 2012-08-21 - Instructions for start-up pitches added 2012-08-31 - Added note that presenters should display QR codes of their abstract on their title slide 2012-08-31 - Added info for tabletop exhibits 2012-09-04 - Session chairs/cochairs including panel chairs are asked to submit a form after their session (as rapporteur) to summarize the discussion All presentationsAll presenters: Check the online schedule and verify that your presentation is listed here, and that you have no conflicts regarding your presentation time. If your presentation is not in the schedule, login and check the abstract archive for your submission - click on the abstract title and review the director/author email log. If your abstract has been accepted, but is not listed, verify that you are registered for the conference. If you are, and the abstract was accepted, but is not listed, CONTACT US IMMEDIATELY. There will be free WiFi throughout the conference facility, but we recommend to not rely on live-demonstrations during presentations, but to use screenshots instead. Edits to the abstracts (on this website) and order of presenters (the first author is assumed to be the presenting author and must be registered) are possible until Aug (please login and click on the abstract title to edit the abstract or metadata). NEW (2012-08-07): The deadline for a full paper submitted to JMIR is Nov 15th, 2012. In addition, other publication options are available - see this announcement. All oral presentationsPresenters are asked to display the QR code of their abstract on the title slide of their talk or panel (also posters). The QR code links to the abstract URL (it can be found on the individual abstract page). This will enable participants with mobile devices to rapidly retrieve and read the abstract during the talk (note that there will be no printed abstract book this year, due to the large number of abstracts). We will support Powerpoint presentations in Mac or PC format, as well as Keynote presentations. Save your presentation on a USB stick and see the room attendant well before your presentation slot. The presentation computers will be Macs, so make sure you check your presentation especially if you created them on a PC. Use of your own laptop is not allowed because there is no time for switching laptops. Full oral presentationsThe maximum time for a rapid-fire presentation is 5 minutes, including one audience question, so you should aim for a 4 minute presentation with no more than 5-8 slides. PanelsPanels are 45 min sessions with typically 3-5 panelists. Typically, each panelist would give a brief presentation with or without slides, followed by extensive discussion and audience interaction. However, the format is up to the panel chair/panel organizer to determine. Panelists should consult with the panel chair to determine how they should prepare for the panel. Startup Panel (Sat. pm)Each company has 12 minutes OVERALL. This includes about a 7 minutes presentation, and 5 minutes for receiving feedback from the panel, and responding to questions from the audience. Companies do not have to have a ppt presentation, but we strongly suggest you prepare one – it will help illustrate who you are and what you do. For further information please download Instructions for Startup-Panel Presenters! Please email your startup ppt presentations to the panel moderator, Talya Miron-Shatz, by Sep. 10th, at talyam at and bring your presentation on a thumb drive. Poster PresentationsWe'll be serving a "mobile" lunch allowing participants to stroll around and view the poster areas. There will be two poster sessions, divided by the last name of the first presenter (Sat: A-L, Sun: M-Z). Presenters are expected to be at their posters between 12:45 pm and 1:45 pm during lunch break (optionally also during coffee break) to answer questions. Posters should be mounted before the first coffee break and should be taken down before 8pm (3pm on Sunday). See also poster list in the online schedule: Posters in the lower range (A-L), approximately P1-P62, are on Saturday (however, the exact poster number may change if we add or drop posters). Note that the poster format is max. 4 ft. x 4 ft., or 122cm x 122cm. Note that this is smaller format than at previous Medicine 2.0 conferences as we have significantly more posters than previously, so two presenters will share one poster board. The poster format can be portrait or square or landscape as long as it doesn't exceed 4 ft in any dimension. Tabletop Exhibits
Information for Session Chairs
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