Maastricht Exhibition & Congress Centre (MECC)
November 29, 2010 – November 30, 2010
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Teaser Medicine 2.0 '10 Maastricht from UMC St Radboud on Vimeo.
Download here the Programme.
For registered participants: download here the General Information. with information on opening times registration desk, route description, etc.
Medicine 2.0 is the annual open, international conference on Web 2.0 applications in health and medicine, also known as the World Congress on Social Networking and Web 2.0 Applications in Medicine, Health, Health Care, and Biomedical Research.
The congress is organized and co-sponsored by the Journal of Medical Internet Research, the International Medical Informatics Association, the Centre for Global eHealth Innovation, CHIRAD, and a number of other sponsoring organizations.
This conference distinguishes itself from "Health 2.0" tradeshows by having an academic form and focus, with an open call for presentations, published proceedings and peer-reviewed abstracts (although there is also a non-peer reviewed practice and business track), and being the only conference in this field which has a global perspective and an international audience (last year there were participants from 18 countries).
An academic approach to the topic also means that we aim to look "beyond the health 2.0 hype", trying to identify the evidence on what works and what doesn't, and have open and honest discussions.
Medicine 2.0 '08 and '09 sold out with almost 200 participants each, and were praised to have an outstanding program, with internationally renowned speakers, a philosophy of "openess", and a very conducive atmosphere for discussions and networking.
The University of Twente (UT), the Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre (UMCN) and the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) will host Medicine 2.0 Europe on November 29-30, 2010 in Maastricht, The Netherlands.
Medicine 2.0'10 will umbrealla REshape (Fall ed., UMCN) and the 'Supporting health by technology' (IIIrd ed) symposium series (Univ. of Twente, RIVM). Evidently, the focus is on the impact and significance of Web 2.0 on health, health care and research. This incredibly important, prospering and promising field of interest deserves an open and collaborative European forum.

Silver Sponsors Medicine 2.0'10
What is Medicine 2.0?
![]() | Medicine 2.0 applications, services and tools are Web-based services for health care consumers, caregivers, patients, health professionals, and biomedical researchers, that use Web 2.0 technologies as well as semantic web and virtual reality tools, to enable and facilitate specifically social networking, participation, apomediation, collaboration, and openness within and between these user groups. | ![]() |
To pre-register for future Medicine 2.0 conferences (Medicine 2.0'10 and Medicine 2.0'11 will be hosted in different cities/countries/continents), please preregister or create an account with this site (if you have an account, go to your profile page and mark the 2010/2011 checkboxes).
Mark your calendar for the forthcoming Medicine 2.0 Fall Conferences: Nov 29/30th, 2010, Maastricht, Europe, and Sep 16-18th, 2011, San Francisco, USA
Photos from Medicine 2.0'09 on Flickr.
Who should attend?
- Academics (health professionals, social scientists, computer scientists, engineers)
- Software and Web 2.0 application developers
- Consultants, vendors, venture capitalists, business leaders, CIOs
- End-users (health professionals, consumers, payors)
What participants at Medicine 2.0'08 said (quotes from our evaluation forms):
- "broad audience... this was by far the most diverse and far reaching audience that I have seen in the past 5 years"
- "this was an extremely stimulating conference"
- "very comprehensive range of topics and presenters"
- "a truly fantastic event!"
- "This was an exceptional event populated by an amazing breadth of researchers, bloggers, academics, companies, and global health crusaders.
Often at health conferences you see the same speakers and firms over and over, rehashing the same demos or Powerpoints. Not in Toronto.
Conversations exceeded all expectations, and the collegial feel encouraged open debate among participants." - "I loved how everyone was actively participating - laptops being used to engage in the current presentation by tweeting, accessing a mentioned site, blogging etc."
- "round tables in the main auditorium facilitated networking nicely"
- "I loved the diversity of the attendees"
- "rich debate following each presentation"
- "very high level of presentations"
- "I learned so much! Where do I start?"
- "state of art in the field"
- "thanks for putting all of this conference together and doing so in an opensource style! (...) It was truly amazing how willing people were to share their true concerns and most forward-thinking ideas within this atmosphere."
Please contact the local organizers for ideas and suggestions for Medicine 2.0'10, including proposals for partnerships and sponsorships, keynote speakers, organizing / scientific committee member suggestions.
If you are interested in organizing your own Medicine 2.0 workshop, tutorial or conference, contact the conference series producer, G. Eysenbach geysenba[at]

The Medicine 2.0 Aggregator is a little tool developed using Y! Pipes that aggregates feeds from various social media applications (Twitter, Crowdvine, FlickR, Slideshare, and others), recognizing the Medicine 2.0 Congress tags (medicine20, or #med2 in Twitter), and spitting out an aggregate RSS feed. We will even try something revolutionary this year: We'll feed titles of submitted abstracts and conference registrants into the data stream, in real time, as they are submitted. So grab the RSS feed above and stick it into your iGoogle homepage, your blog, on your website, etc.
Thanks for attending Medicine 2.0'14 - Fill in the evaluation form |
Thanks for attending Medicine 2.0'14 in Maui - the conference is over and was a great success. If you attended, please let us know what you thought and how we can continue to improve the conference. Evaluation form |
Posted: 2014-11-15 | More... |
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Conference Information
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- » Timeline
Medicine 2.0® is happy to support and promote other conferences and workshops in this area. Contact us to produce, disseminate and promote your conference or workshop under this label and in this event series. In addition, we are always looking for hosts of future World Congresses. Medicine 2.0® is a registered trademark of JMIR Publications Inc., the leading academic ehealth publisher.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.