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Paschal, Angelia, University of Kansas School of Medicine - Wichita
Paton, Chris, University of Auckland
Pattichis, Costas, University of Cyprus
Pearson, Deborah, US National Cancer Institute
Peek, Niels, NIPED
Pham-dinh, Martin, Hôpital de Gatineau
Piniewski, Brigitte, PeaceHealth Laboratories
Pitkänen, Anneli, University of Turku
Plant, Katy, Stanford University School of Medicine
Plevinsky, Jill Mara, Tufts University
Pliskin, Nava, Industrial Engineering & Management, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Poissant, Lise, University of Montreal
Poitras, Julien, Université Laval
Pousada Fernández, Modesta, Fundacio Universitat Oberta de Catalunya-Internet Interdisciplinary Institute
Powell, John, University of Warwick
Privitzer, Pavol, Charles University Prague

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